

ER Consulting Inc. currently deploys hospitalist doctors in emergency units across the nation. These hospitalists are highly experienced senior doctors who specialise in providing essential services in intensive care units, high care, theatres, and emergency units.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, it became clear that hospital specialists were frequently overwhelmed by patient volumes. As a result, patients in the wards often experienced extended wait times for necessary procedures. Introducing hospitalist doctors to support these specialists significantly enhanced patient care in high care and ICU wards. This dedicated service ensured efficient and high-quality procedural care, thereby allowing specialists to prioritise patient consultations and surgeries in the operating theatre. The success of this initiative has led to its establishment as a standard practice in multiple hospitals.

Typically a hospitalist will be asked by a specialist to assist with the following procedures:

  • Central line placement and replacement
  • Intubations
  • Ultrasound guided line placement
  • Chest drain placement
  • Placement of cannulas for chemotherapy or dialysis
  • Procedural sedation
  • Resuscitations

These procedures are claimed for by the hospitalist doctor directly from the medical aid. Neither the specialist or the hospital incurs any cost.

The hospitalists are also able to provide additional services in the hospital directly.
These services include the following:

  • Night time ward rounds with the nursing managers of various units
  • Assistance with resuscitations in wards
  • General nursing advice and assistance
  • Nurse training in resuscitation and peri-collapse scenario
  • Procedural sedation
  • Procedures that nurses are need of assistance with

ER Consulting Inc. offers hospitalist services to hospitals in situations where improved availability of onsite senior clinicians is essential, especially during nighttime hours. These services are beneficial in instances where specialists may face delays in attending to their patients, reside far from the hospital, or encounter unsafe travel conditions at night.

For further details about our hospitalist services, please contact us at with the subject line “HOSPITALIST.”